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2020 AMC8 수학경시 접수 안내

August 25, 2020

경시 시험 이름 : American Mathematics competition 8

시험 날짜: 11월 10일 화요일

시험 시간: 오후 5시 ~ 6시

접수 마감: 9월 12일까지

---접수를 원하시는 분은 아래 내용을 기입하여 학원 이메일로 보내주시고 접수비는 인터넷 뱅킹해주세요--

학원이메일 :


접수 내용:



재학학교 이름 & 학년

신분증 번호(여권, IC)


접수비: $40 (재학생), $50(비재학생)


* 온라인 뱅킹으로 접수비 보내주세요(sender는 학생 이름으로 기입)

Account Name : Jungsang Education Development LLP

Bank Name : OCBC

Account Number : 713 - 097269 - 001

Account Type : Current

**NETS, CREDIT CARD는 수령하지 않습니다. 

AMO 시험등록 안내

August 20, 2018

AMO 2018 Registration

Contest date:   Oct 6, 2018 (Saturday)

Contest venue: Will be announced later

Registration fee: JS Member $50,  Non-member $60

Please email us details of student's information as below to

1) Student's full name (as written passport or student's visa)

2) Date of Birth(ddmmyyyy)

3) Name of the school



** Please send above information by email, and make a payment by 1st September.

Registration with JS math will be closed on 1st September.

2018 AMC8 Registration

August 20, 2018

Test Date : 13 November, 2018 (Tuesday)


Please email us details of student's information as below to



1) Student's full name (as written passport or student's visa)

2) Birth (dd/mm/year)

3) FIN or Student's visa or Passport Number



* Kindly pay Registration fee by 1 Sep, 2018.

   (JS member $40, Non-member $50)

   Receipt will be issued once payment is made.


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