Where the Art of Mathematics is Discovered
Since 2005
More than 700 Students won Math competition with us
Specialized in Mathematics

2020 AMC8 수학경시 접수 안내
August 25, 2020
경시 시험 이름 : American Mathematics competition 8
시험 날짜: 11월 10일 화요일
시험 시간: 오후 5시 ~ 6시
접수 마감: 9월 12일까지
---접수를 원하시는 분은 아래 내용을 기입하여 학원 이메일로 보내주시고 접수비는 인터넷 뱅킹해주세요--
학원이메일 : jeongsang.com@gmail.com
접수 내용:
재학학교 이름 & 학년
신분증 번호(여권, IC)
접수비: $40 (재학생), $50(비재학생)
* 온라인 뱅킹으로 접수비 보내주세요(sender는 학생 이름으로 기입)
Account Name : Jungsang Education Development LLP
Bank Name : OCBC
Account Number : 713 - 097269 - 001
Account Type : Current
**NETS, CREDIT CARD는 수령하지 않습니다.

AMO 시험등록 안내
August 20, 2018
AMO 2018 Registration
Contest date: Oct 6, 2018 (Saturday)
Contest venue: Will be announced later
Registration fee: JS Member $50, Non-member $60
Please email us details of student's information as below to Jeongsang.com@gmail.com
1) Student's full name (as written passport or student's visa)
2) Date of Birth(ddmmyyyy)
3) Name of the school
** Please send above information by email, and make a payment by 1st September.
Registration with JS math will be closed on 1st September.

2018 AMC8 Registration
August 20, 2018
Test Date : 13 November, 2018 (Tuesday)
Please email us details of student's information as below to Jeongsang.com@gmail.com
1) Student's full name (as written passport or student's visa)
2) Birth (dd/mm/year)
3) FIN or Student's visa or Passport Number
* Kindly pay Registration fee by 1 Sep, 2018.
(JS member $40, Non-member $50)
Receipt will be issued once payment is made.
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