SASMO시험장소 안내 & 준비물
SASMO Test Date and Venue
1) Time/Date: 8 Apr 2017, Saturday
Pri 2 to Pri 4 – 9am to 10.30am, Pri 5 to Sec 4 – 11am to 12.30pm,
2) Location: SJIJ, 3 Essex Road, Singapore 309331.
3) Parking/Dropoff:
Parking is NOT allowed in the school itself.
The nearest parking is at United Square. Dropoff is allowed outside the school, or at the bus bay if there is rain.
(학교 내 주차 불가능, 가까운 쇼핑몰 United square에 주차 가능
비오는 경우에는 학교 밖에서 아이들 Drop off 가능)
4) Attire: Any attire
5) Things to bring: Student ID, 2B Pencil, Eraser, Jacket, and water bottle.
6) Index number: Index number will be given out on the day itself during the registration. Do not email us with regard to this matter. Registration counter will open at 1hr before the start of the test.
** Index number는 시험 당일, 시험 시간 1시간 전부터 주어지므로, 최소 30분 일찍 가셔서 Index number 받으세요